About me

Ayurveda Physician
Hey, dear friends
I am Dr.Deepak Kumar Soni an Ayurveda Physician from India, My basic education and higher education completed from Madhya Pradesh a middle state of India. From last 10 years I have been practicing in Ayurveda field, more than a thousand patients have been consulted to me regarding their various health issue.I believe that so many of them living healthy and happy life. I feel that in my last 10 years of practicing carrier people think that Ayurveda is the last choice of the health issue they don't trust easily on Ayurveda but they think totally wrong but there is no mistake them because they don't have knowledge regarding Ayurveda and  Ayurveda medicine principle.So I have decided I will try to spread Ayurveda and its basic principles and clear all the question or query of common people so that they follow Ayurveda and keep their life healthy and happy. I would like to share some basic information of  Ayurveda:

The word Ayurveda comes from two root words in Sanskrit, Ayush meaning life or lifespan and Veda meaning knowledge. The science of Ayurveda, thus, literally means the complete knowledge of the totality and longevity of life.

Life is too short not to be positive and laugh a lot. Most of the time, I write from the heart, inspirations and what comes to mind. I think it makes it very personal like you and I are having a conversation. What do I believe about my life: I have been on a daily journey to be a better person. Learning from each experience, taking from it the positive and leaving the rest behind.

I am very passionate about my profession and helping people adopt a healthy lifestyle. My love for fitness started when I was in junior high school. My mentor or teacher was my father. I believe I am a better person because of him. I wanted to do for others what he had done for me and my dream to teach fitness has been a strong one all my life. I am also very passionate about to spread Ayurveda and keep healthy to all person who connects with me.

My Blog is a very candid sharing of my fitness and healthy journey, opinions and motivational page for you. Thanks for reading the content and I will welcome your feedback. 



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